Summer is just around the corner, which means warmer weather and a chance to break in your bike if you don’t ride year round. If you’re a beginning or intermediate cyclist this could mean an exciting opportunity to improve your cycling fitness. Let’s face it, no one likes getting their clothes drenched with sweat. Here are some tips to ride in comfort this summer.
7 Tips to Ride in Comfort This Summer
1. Buy the right bikeWhile every cyclist is different, there are a few things that all of us tend to look for in a bike. Firstly, we want the bike to match our riding style. Are you an aggressive rider who likes to fly down steep hills or do you prefer riding slow and easy and spending more time checking out the scenery? Or maybe you’re somewhere in between these two extremes? We also want our bikes to be comfortable, especially during long rides. The great news is, our Cruiser Bike was designed so it can be adjusted and fit different riders of all shapes and sizes. It is also equipped with pedal assist and throttle that makes riding through hills a breeze, and a soft, leather seat that makes riding comfortable.
2. Stretch before and after ridingLet’s face it, if you’re not comfortable on your bike then you are not enjoying your ride as much as you could be, and that is a problem. However, by developing a stretching routine before and after your rides, you can instantly see your comfort level increase. Stretching keeps your muscles flexible, strong, and gives you the range of motion to make every ride all that it can be.
Before each ride, we recommend doing three to ten minutes of stretching. The muscles you’ll use the most are your quads- the front of your thighs, and your calves – the muscles on the back of your lower legs. Your lower back is usually in a more arched position during cycling as well, so we recommend you stretch this part too. Stretching before and after riding your bicycle decreases muscle pain. Also, it increases blood flow to the muscles used during your ride. When you stretch after you ride, you will be more relaxed.
3. Carry a water bottle or hydration packIt’s easy to stay hydrated when you bring your own bottled water. Just plan ahead! Fill one bottle half full and another at about three-quarters, freeze them the night before and top it off before you head out for a ride. You should have enough cold drinks to keep you hydrated. Hydration packs let you drink easily while cycling without having to stop! Need a gadget to add more water carrying capacity to your bike, check out our Handle Bar Water Bottle Cage Adapter.
4. Don’t raceWhenever you ride a bike, you’re working several large muscle groups. You might feel pretty cool and bendy as you whizz around the neighborhood, but let me tell you - as soon as you stop pedaling, that cooling breeze disappears pretty quickly and suddenly you realize you’ve been exercising. Resist the urge to race, allow for extra time for your journey, slow down and take your time.
5. Plan when to rideIf possible, aim to cycle during the cooler hours of the day. Even a short length of time might result in a substantial difference in temperature.
Arriving early at your destination also gives you more time to cool down, refresh, and change clothes (in case you got all sweaty).
6. Wear appropriate cycling clothesThere’s no denying that wearing tight-fitting spandex makes for a better ride. However, if you’re just looking to casually cruise on your ebike and enjoy the sunshine, maybe that’s not what you want to do. Maybe you just want to casually dress up in comfortable clothes or even wear something loose. Bring a change of clothes and a small towel to freshen up in between rides.
7. Wear sunblock, sunglasses, and a visorIf you’re going to be spending lots of time in the sun, especially if you’re going to be riding directly into it, you should apply sunscreen. Using a waterproof formula is recommended and re-application is important.
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from glare and damage, not just insects flying along or things flicking up from the path or road.
Purchase a helmet with a visor or try on a suitable cycling cap. It is not advisable to wear a baseball hat or visor under your helmet.
Before you go for a ride…
- Make sure to plan ahead and prepare for a warm summer ride so you wouldn’t overheat.
- Check your ebike for problems and follow these safety precautions to ensure a safe ebike ride.
- Check your local government guidelines about Covid-19 restrictions in your area before you head out.
- Check local regulations about ebiking
- Don’t waste too much time, you could be riding!